Vostroyen Firstborn Mod (temporary site)

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 Thanks to the inhospitable climate of Vostroya, the Firstborn are trained in the most adverse of conditions. Amidst the jutting skeletal spars of half-collapsed warehouses, the wind howling along rust-pocked alleyways, the Firstborn learn the skills of close-quarter combat and strict firing drills. Some do not survive such a harsh regime, but those that do are proud to be counted amongst the hardiest fighters in the Imperial Guard. Their ancient pact drives them onwards, instilling them with a stubbornness, courage and fortitude rarely seen outside the Adeptus Astartes.

The Vostroyans reserve a disdain for those Imperial Guard regiments they perceive to be less devoted than themselves, although that can sometimes include a great many of their allies. But should the Vostroyans' respect be gained, they are comrades anyone would be proud to have.

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